About Me

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I’m married (for the 2nd time) just over a year now. I have 3 children ages 21, 17 & 16 as well as a daughter who is 21 years old from my husband’s previous marriage (not a typo) and recently married so I am now a mother-in-law as well. I think it’s great!! All my love to both of them!!! As long as they wait to have children until he is out of the Army! I’m also a Nursing student in my 2nd year of school. I’m seriously considering a change in my major to Nutrition. Much as I want to be a Nurse, I think becoming a Nutritionist may be the avenue I choose. I am fluent in American Sign Language and speak Italian as well. I also love the outdoors, camping, hiking, riding motorcycles with my husband, and the beach are among a few. I hate the cold but I love snowball fights with my family. I enjoy crochet of all kinds, but there’s something about the detail when it is done with crochet thread that I especially love. I try to spend as much time as I can enjoying life and what it has to offer.

Friday, July 24, 2009

REIKI - what is it?

These days, many people are seeking out alternative forms of healing, and also looking to further develop their Spirituality. Reiki does just that.

Reiki is a means to achieving for you a spiritual breakthrough, overcoming a block that may have been put on your path emotionally, physically, or spiritually, as well as so much more! Reiki is an ancient healing technique that allows us as humans, to aid in the natural healing process.

To date, Reiki is the best means to this end. As well as being one of the most loving forms of natural healing that we have available to us.

Reiki is the life-force energy that is within all of us. But the means to accessing this energy is through an attunement by a Reiki Master. In the Usui System of Natural Healing the life force is honored and used daily to help us and guide us.

There are many ways of accessing the Universal Life-force energy. Reiki is a living, breathing thing. Totally alive. Totally sentient. Reiki is a friend and an ally. If you can't trust anything else in your life, you can trust Reiki.

Most people ask me, "What will I feel during a session?" That's not always an easy answer to give someone. For each person the feelings and effects of Reiki are different. Though what you will usually feel is a soft, warm, soothing heat coming from the Reiki Practitioner's hands. At times, it may even feel quite hot, though will never be hot enough to burn. Some people experience a soothing, cool feeling. Again, this too depends on the recipient and their needs. I have even had people ask me how many were doing the session. I always smile and say, "Just me," and they ask how it was that they felt more then one set of hands during the session. This is often felt because as the hands are moved from one position to another, the feel of that energy is still where it was a few minutes earlier. And at times, this causes the recipient to feel as though either the person is in two places at once or that there is more then one person doing the session.

What you can expect to feel is going to differ from person to person, according to your own needs. Some people go into a deep type of meditative state, while some slip off into a floating type of dreamy feeling. Some people experience vivid swirls of colors and others feel a disconnected feeling from their body, almost as though they are floating above their body or sleeping on water. This one feeling is different then that dreamy feeling. Again, each person will feel something different.

When doing a session, the Reiki Practitioner is working with pure energy and that energy reacts in different ways with different people. The Reiki itself is pure energy and as the session progresses, the Practitioner is working with the recipients energy that is already within their body. This energy works to realign the chakras and energy meridians within the body to help in the healing process. So what can you expect? Along with what I have described here, which just begins to scratch the surface of what you may feel, go into the session with an open mind and allow it to happen as it will. Afterwards, you will feel as though a weight has been lifted from your shoulders, even if you didn't realize it was there to begin with.

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