About Me

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I’m married (for the 2nd time) just over a year now. I have 3 children ages 21, 17 & 16 as well as a daughter who is 21 years old from my husband’s previous marriage (not a typo) and recently married so I am now a mother-in-law as well. I think it’s great!! All my love to both of them!!! As long as they wait to have children until he is out of the Army! I’m also a Nursing student in my 2nd year of school. I’m seriously considering a change in my major to Nutrition. Much as I want to be a Nurse, I think becoming a Nutritionist may be the avenue I choose. I am fluent in American Sign Language and speak Italian as well. I also love the outdoors, camping, hiking, riding motorcycles with my husband, and the beach are among a few. I hate the cold but I love snowball fights with my family. I enjoy crochet of all kinds, but there’s something about the detail when it is done with crochet thread that I especially love. I try to spend as much time as I can enjoying life and what it has to offer.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Throat Chakra Mandala

Throat Chakra: located centrally, at base of neck.

The Sanskrit name is Vishuddha, meaning; purification.

Associated Color: blue.

Element: water.

The life lesson is: the power of choice, personal expression.

Main issue: communication, self-expression.

Associated body parts: throat, ears, nose, teeth, mouth, neck.

Goals: harmony with others, self-knowledge, creativity.

Crystals: turquoise, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, agate, celestite, sodalite, sapphire.

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