One must keep in mind when working with the chakras that in order to realign all of the chakras you need to work from the top to the bottom. It is kind of like emptying a laundry basket. You cannot get to the bottom without first removing the "block" on top.
Begin by working with the Crown Chakra and move through all seven.
The Chuchumna or Chakra Tube is in a line from the base of the spine to the crown of the head (though there are other chakras, for now I'll focus on these seven). The word Chakra is a Sanscrit word that translates to "Energy Conducting Wheel" - each chakra turns or rotates the opposite way as the one that follows it, similar to the gears in a watch or clock. When one is blocked, the others become blocked too. In order to realign one, all must be realigned.
Base Chakra ----- pelvic area ----- Earth Connection ----- I Have ----- Oh (as in rope)
Spleen ------------lower belly ------Physical Body ----------I Feel ------ OO (as in rule)
Solar Plexus -----belly button -----Will / Power -----------I Can --------Ah (as in God)
Heart -------------mid chest ---------Emotion ----------------I Love -------Aye (long A)
Throat ------------throat ------------Communication ---------I Speak -----EE (long E)
3rd Eye -----------mid forehead -----Insight -----------------I See --------MmmNnn (as it looks)
Crown ------------top of head --------Spirituality -----------I Know -------NgNg (ying, ying)
The use of crystals to align the chakras is a common practice. Below is a short list of some crystals that can be used:
*Some are by color, while others represent the Chakra in their attributes.
Red Jasper, Red Tiger's-eye, Hematite, Tiger's-eye, Sugilite
Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Ruby
Amber, Citrine, Tiger's-eye, Amber
Unakite, Green Fluorite, Epidote, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Moss Agate, Galaxtite, Ruby, Sugilite, Chlorite,
Blue Tiger's-eye, Blue Fluorite, Angelite, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine,
Amethyst, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Moss Agate, Sugilite
Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Amber, Chlorite, Amethyst, Botswana Agate
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